
Session Management

Better Auth manages session using a traditional cookie-based session management. The session is stored in a cookie and is sent to the server on every request. The server then verifies the session and returns the user data if the session is valid.

Session table

The session table stores the session data. The session table has the following fields:

  • id: The session id. Which is also used as the session cookie.
  • userId: The user id of the user.
  • expiresAt: The expiration date of the session.
  • ipAddress: The IP address of the user.
  • userAgent: The user agent of the user. It stores the user agent header from the request.

Session Expiration

The session expires after 7 days by default. But whenever the session is used, and the updateAge is reached the session expiration is updated to the current time plus the expiresIn value.

You can change both the expiresIn and updateAge values by passing the session object to the auth configuration.

import { betterAuth } from "better-auth"
export const auth = betterAuth({
    //... other config options
    session: {
        expiresIn: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 7 days,
        updateAge: 60 * 60 * 24 // 1 day (every 1 day the session expiration is updated)

Session Management

Better Auth provides a set of functions to manage sessions.

List Sessions

The listSessions function returns a list of sessions that are active for the user.

import { authClient } from "@/lib/client"
const sessions = await authClient.user.listSessions()

Revoke Session

When a user signs out of a device, the session is automatically ended. However, you can also end a session manually from any device the user is signed into.

To end a session, use the revokeSession function. Just pass the session ID as a parameter.

await authClient.user.revokeSession({

Revoke All Sessions

To revoke all sessions, you can use the revokeSessions function.

await authClient.user.revokeSessions()

Revoking Sessions on Password Change

You can revoke all sessions when the user changes their password by passing revokeOtherSessions true on changePAssword function.

await authClient.user.changePassword({
    newPassword: newPassword,
    currentPassword: currentPassword,
    revokeOtherSessions: signOutDevices,

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